Part L Compliance

L1B Conversions

Part L1B for Conversions

Dwellings created by converting existing buildings, referred to as “Change of Use”, must comply with L1B of Building Regulations.

Compliance will most often be achieved by Building Control inspections, with a SAP EPC required for each dwelling on completion.

When an elemental approach to Building Control inspection and approval is not possible, Building Control may ask for SAP calculations to provide comparative CO2 emissions data to show compliance.

This occurs typically when there are high proportions of window and door areas as a percentage of floor area, or when individual elements in one or a number of units in a development cannot be thermally upgraded to the minimum standards in L1B.

In these circumstances, Energise can help developers identify more flexible design solutions to achive L1B compliance. We then provide a bespoke L1B compliance report to give to Building Control.

This approach assists with achieving compliance in the most cost effective and practical ways, and provides objective evidence for Building Control sign off.